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Việt Nam Cộng Hòa Pháp Ðịnh !
Trang Chính Phủ Pháp Ðịnh Việt Nam Cộng Hòa
Proposal to implement democratization solutions for national development and securing the country.
The Prime Minister of the De Jure Government of the Republic of Vietnam
to Mister General Secretary and Commissioners
Vietnam Communist Party’s Politburo
Also addressed to the Commanders of the People’s Armed Forces ,
the Police and Security Department,
Topic: Proposal to implement democratization solutions for national development and securing the country.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the face of the chinalization danger and the tense situation in Southeast Asia, directly threatening the destiny of our country, I, on behalf of the De Jure Government of the Republic of Vietnam and the Movement of the Self-determination for the Vietnamese People, would like to relay the utmost concern that our people have, both at home as well as overseas.
Recently, the many intensely emotional demonstrations and reactions from large portions of our compatriots from north to south surely caught your attention and concern. You nonetheless ordered repressive measures despite knowing very well that our people acted so out of love for our country and could not stand to see it lost.
The power struggles within the leadership of the Vietnamese Communist Party, combined with both the silent and open opposition of our people have severely weakened the abilities of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to defend the country against invading forces.
On the other hand, because of your dependence on communist China, you are fearful to stand with other nations, headed by the United States, that are taking strong measures to stop the invasive expansion of China,
Vietnam being the primary victim. If “the enemy of our enemy is our friend”, then you failed to use this very advantageous situation.
Your ambiguous two-faced policy is no longer effective like it was during the cold war of the last century. Going back and forth from one side to the other, “Peking in the morning, Washington D.C. in the evening” no longer works.
Despite the turning point in this exceptional situation of South-East- Asia- Pacific region, you have failed to choose a clear and needed political position for our country: stand among the ranks of free nations that are currently working together for the security and peace in this vast part of the world.
Due to the strategic position of our country, a balcony with direct view on the crossroads of Indian and Pacific oceans but shared a common border with China, Vietnam will have great difficulties defending itself against this neighboring country that has been plotting to annex our country and expand its power across the globe.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The destiny of our country is in great danger. We must not hesitate any longer and have to protect and save our nation at all costs, including sacrificing ourselves. This is a very important mission for all Vietnamese people.
But first, this is an obligation incumbent on you because you have been ruling the country for the last 43 years, after you violated the Paris Peace Agreement of 1973, invading the Republic of Vietnam in April 1975, leading the country to the current dangerous situation.
Second, this is our mission of the Republic of Vietnam, represented by the De Jure Government of the Republic of Vietnam from overseas, that has been continuously fighting for reconquering South Vietnam, since the day we had to leave, similar to European nations that were invaded by Nazi Germany during World War II. France was such an example. We must walk together on a common path with the objective of bringing freedom
and democracy, so longed for by our people, and compatible with ideals of nations that wish to help Vietnam and want to see Vietnam as a democracy, with rule of law, non-communist, determined against China, stand with them as part of an alliance to stop it.
We suggest the following road map to democracy comprising of the outlines of following steps:
1-The current system is not adequate. The right to self-determination must be returned to the people through constitutional and legislative elections under the supervision of the international community, to form a new and free democratic regime. Along with the incumbent government, compatriots at home as well as those residing overseas, will organize and participate together in the general election, to form a political system that unifies the people, mobilizes all national forces to save and rebuild the country.
2-A new and free regime will emerge, democratic, respecting the opposition, prohibiting any act of retaliation. All political and societal components will have a voice. No discrimination will be made against elements of the old regime, no distinction between beliefs, regions and ethnicities.
3-The current armed forces, police, State civil servants will be maintained, reformed and improved, with the exception of those who are against the national democratization process or who have committed a criminal offense.
4-To meet the contribution of the communist party to the cause of democratization, the new regime is committed not to exercise the right of prosecution against members of the communist party. They will be free to stay in the country or to leave it if they wish to do so.
Those are the conditions absolutely necessary for the democratization process to succeed, without violence, to peacefully transition into a new democratic regime, to unify our people, to be able to defend our country and to build a mighty prosperous Vietnam.
In order to undertake the rescue of the nation, the De Jure Government of the Republic of Vietnam proposes the Vietnamese Communist Party
leadership a negotiation process, without prerequisites, to examine the road map for democratization presented above.
The sooner both sides can decide upon a date and location for this meeting the better it will be in the face of the tense situation in South-East- Asia, directly affecting our country.
For the best interests of our country, in the face of the threat of a new catastrophic 1000 year Chinese domination, and to meet the expectations of our people and the free world, that wants to help our country to protect itself and prosper, we urge you, the Vietnamese Communist Party leadership, to assume your responsibility for the survival of our country before it is too late.
This is the final opportunity for you to choose your own future.
History will judge us. If you reject this proposal of a peaceful democratization, our people will fight fiercely, more than ever before to achieving it. Those who put their own interests or the interests of their political party above the fate of our nation will surely have to answer for their crime to the people.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Republic of Vietnam Overseas, October 20, 2018
The Prime Minister
President of the Movement
for Vietnamese People’s Self-Determination
(Posted By HoangLan)