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Việt Nam Cộng Hòa Pháp Ðịnh !
Trang Chính Phủ Pháp Ðịnh Việt Nam Cộng Hòa
Thư gửi Tổng Thống Hoa Kỳ, Donald Trump.
His Excellency, President of the United States Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Mr. the President,
On the day before your departure to Vietnam to attend the APEC Summit, we would like to draw your very particular attention to an essential issue: the Chinese military expansion in South-East Asia and more especially in Vietnam, its islands Paracels and Spratleys and other islands belonging to the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, represents a threat against the unique passage from Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean.
We think that the regional security and peace cannot be dissociated from the economic cooperation that you will discuss during the conference. Therefore we solemnly request you to examine our proposition hereafter presented as a peaceful solution in compliance with international law.
As we know, all the countries bordering China (Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia), around the South China Sea (that is to say, most of the ASEAN countries) are in conflict with China, which claims about 80% of that Sea, not to mention disputes over the ownership of the Paracels and Spartleys islands. This conflict could escalate into a regional conflict. To avoid such a regional conflict, the protagonists have tried to bring China to the negotiation table, which refused using all available legal arguments and still refuses multilateral negotiations and requires bilateral negotiations.
Faced with this impasse, the Philippines has tried unsuccessfully to interest China to resort to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Lately, the Philippines has filed an application before the Tribunal of the Sea in Hambourg, established under UNCLOS, against China, which uses Articles 298 of the said UNCLOS to avoid the jurisdiction of the Tribunal. The said application is being processed and grant a favorable decision to the Philippines. China refused to respect this decision, what will happen next?
How can the parties get together and find a peaceful solution?
The answer lies in the Final Act of the Paris Conference on Vietnam.
In accordance to articles 2 and 4 of the Act, the signatory countries: The United States of America, France, England, China, Russia, Canada, Poland, Hungary and Indonesia have guaranteed the territorial integrity of Vietnam, including the South and the North, and the right of the South Vietnamese people to self- determination.
Under Section 7 of the Act, the above-mentioned countries have the right and duty to reconvene the participants at the Paris International Conference on Vietnam to determine the necessary corrective measures.
Article 7b) allows such an extension of the Paris International Conference on Vietnam simply by a joint request from the Government of the United States and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or by a request from six or more signatories of the said Act.
It should be noted that section 34 of the Public Law 93-559 December 30, 1974, follows the same lines (see Appendix).
Upon the return of the International Conference on Vietnam, we can invite all the neighboring countries with an interest in the subject, namely the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei to discuss the issue of the ‘’territorial integrity’’.
China, the main actor, cannot use any veto or legal artifice to avoid it, thus giving a chance to regional peace.
Respectfully yours,
Paris, November 2nd, 2017.
Lê Trọng Quát, Esq.
The Prime Minister Le Trong Quat